We are Compris. Your partner in sustainable asset management.
If you are in charge of complex assets for your organization which are critical to providing value to your stakeholders, you are involved in asset management activities on a day to day basis. So are we!
Compris is specialized in various aspects of asset management since our company was founded in 2000. Since then, we have assisted many asset owners to achieve ‘asset management maturity’ for their business by advising and implementing our suggestions. With over 60 asset management professionals, Compris has the right capacity and knowledge to help your business to improve your asset management system.
It is our mission to help 100 asset owners before the year 2030 to achieve a sustainable asset management system for their business.
We are passionate about the international standard for asset management (the NEN-ISO55000) and as part of the TC251 workforce technical committee, Compris provides input and expertise to stimulate further development of the internationally recognized ISO standard.
Based on our field experience, we have devised a Circular Asset Management Framework which helps to visualize the life cycle management of your assets. Our framework is meant to inspire and create understanding for the importance of the alignment of all asset management activities. To learn more, watch the interview with one of our senior professionals on Youtube:
Your asset management system
There is no single solution to implement the right asset management system. In our experience it always requires a tailored fit to successfully align your company’s strategic goals with all operational activities. The majority of our work therefore focusses on the tactical processes which connect strategy with all processes in the execution phase. We deliver practical advice to improve your asset management by helping you build the right team, skills and processes in order to achieve a sustainable way of work.
We serve our clients in various countries such as the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and South Africa. The majority of our clients is currently based in the Netherlands, if you’d like to learn more about what type of asset management related work we’re involved in, feel free to download our Whitepaper. This document showcases various assignments for strategic clients of Compris such as Schiphol International Airport and APM Terminal Rotterdam.
Download our whitepaper by leaving your details in our contact form or send an email to frank.schouten@compris.eu
We believe asset management makes the world more sustainable. As experts in our field, we know how to turn essential maintenance into sustainable asset management. And we are happy to share our knowledge and assist asset owners in reaching asset management maturity.
A few examples of our services
Advise and implementation based on our field of expertise
– Asset management
– Requirements management
– Asset data management
– Risk management
– Contract management
– Maintenance management
– Performance management
– Energy management
Asset lifecycle management
Assistance in the development of your asset management strategy, policy and pragmatic plans
Asset Management QuickScan
A review of your current asset management system by our experienced consultants to show which improvements (based on the ISO55001 requirements) can be made to your asset management system
Guidance on ISO certifications 50001 and 55001
Compris can deliver auditors to help you get ready for a certain certification project. We’re specialized in:
– ISO55000 (asset management system)
– ISO50000 (energy management system)
– ISO14000 (environment management system)
– ISO9000 (overall quality management)
Interim Management
Compris employs over 60 asset management professionals with various fields of expertise. We can deliver the right temporarily support to help your business improve.
Training & workshops
Our academy department provides tailor made training sessions for asset owners on topics related to your business such as:
– Asset management principles
– Maintenance management
– Asset data management
– Contract management
Interested to know more about us? Feel free to contact frank.schouten@compris.eu